Saturday, 13 September 2008

Building Self Confidence Create a Better You

By: Arthur
How everyone wish they have more self confidence in themselves. With a little more self confidence, you can become a better person and see the world in a new perspective. For those who are born with it, self confidence becomes a natural process. Ideally, it would be to your advantage if your parents have developed your self confidence while you were young. If not, you still can developed it yourself as an adult. However, if you are currently a parent, it would be wise to help your kids develop their self confidence early as it will aid in their life achievement.

As you grow and progress in your life, your self confidence will either deteriorate or improve depending on the life events that is happening around you. Your self confidence is important to you because a lack of it can hold back the progress of your life. A person who is confidence truly love and believe in themselves. They have the courage to do what their heart and desire. The opinions and discouraging words from others have very little impact on them once they decide to purse their dreams and goals.

Many people with low self confidence often under achieved as they don't believe in their own potential. The lack of self confidence can lead to a self perpetuating problem as people with low self confidence set less goals and are more likely to under performance. In the work place, they are unlikely to work to their full capacity as they lack the confidence to perform well. The less than stellar results will reinforce that you are mediocre and lousy worker. As a result, your self confidence suffers and in some cases lead to other self destructive behaviors such as eating disorders, shopping disorders or turning to drugs in some extreme cases.

People lacking in self confidence are also unlikely to enjoy fulfilling relationships with their partners, family members or friends. They don't fill comfortable making new friends as they feel that others are always better than them. They tends to under estimate their self worth.

Developing your self confidence early is the best defense again those undesirable behavior. You should not wait to get started building your self confidence and esteem. Do it today, right now and don't delay till tomorrow. Determine and list down your strong point. Focus and develop these strong areas first as it will let you fully believe in yourself and your skills. The more you see your accomplishment, the more you can see the aspect in your life that you are good in.

Building your self confidence is a progressive effort and you need to develop it gradually by testing and challenging yourself daily or regularly. As your self confidence improve, the more challenges you will conquer and the better you will feel about yourself.

Finally, you will developed into a person who have the self confidence to do whatever thing that you desire in life.

About the Author:

Copyright © Arthur
More on Self Help Information

Adults Building Self Confidence

By: Marsha Maung

If you're a parent, you would have read about 1,001 articles and about a few dozen books on how important it is for kids today have confidence. Confidence says everything. When kids have confidence, they will learn better, they dare to go for things they believe in and they dare to make mistakes and learn from them.

Regardless of how much it all sound like hogwash (I know some people from the old school of thought sure thinks that confidence is OVER-RATED), when you have confidence in something, someone...yourself, you dare to forge ahead and take roads no one have ever taken before. This is not something hard to understand so, I won't go into it yet again on how to raise kids with healthy self-confidence. I think Dr. Miriam Stoppard has done a credible job in telling you how to build confidence in kids.

Now, how about adults? If you're like me, you're raised by parents who, essentially, belong to the old school of thought. Let's just summarize what ‘old school of thought' means. People from the old school of thought basically focus on repetition and obedience. The more you obey, the better. The less you speak up, the better person you will be. In the old school of thought, confidence ranks right below finishing off every piece of scrambled egg on your plate.

TO be fair to my parents, I didn't get my rebellious nature from nowhere. I got it, I think, from my dad. He didn't conform to the norm, neither do I. So, I am raised by 1 old school of thought and 1 rebel. The rebel of those days is today's hero. They had the confidence of telling people off whenever they were wrong, instead of keeping quiet and hoping that someone else will tell the person off. So, in actual fact, people who had confidence are rebels today! Amazing, isn't it?

If you are one of those with low self-confidence level, it'll show in the way you speak, the way you walk and through your entire body language. It doesn't take a genius to figure this one out, Your body is controlled by your mind. And if you don't have confidence in your mind, your body behaves that way. Everyone around you will react in a certain way towards you because of the way you behave. For example, people with low self-confidence level, you will usually pull your shoulder back, you hang your shoulders, your head will droop forward and you will tend to shuffle between one foot and the other.

You no longer have the opportunities like your children have. For kids, in order to build self-confidence, you provide them with a secure, supportive and understanding environment. You praise them when praise is due and you offer constructive criticisms in order for them to improve themselves. You no longer have that because you're an adult. So, you're going to have to learn how to do this yourself.

Relax and de-stress. People with low confidence level are often people who are stressed out. They're so harsh and strict on themselves that they tend to bring their own self-confidence down without anyone else helping them to! So, the first thing you will need to do is to relax and de-stress in the evening....after work or three times a week. Whatever works for you. Yoga is good, you can try that if you want. Self-hypnosis is fab too. But if you don't have a budget for all those fancy classes, switch on some relaxing music and just sit there, with your legs cross, concentrate of breathing. Focus on every single breath you take and feel the anger and the confusion dissipate with every single breath you exhale.

It's going to feel a little bit awkward in the beginning, but after a couple of tries, I am sure you will get this right.

Focus on the positive Take a good look at a book entitled ‘A woman in your own right' by Anne Dickson. The book will teach you how to acquire skills that helps you focus on the positive side of things even in the most adverse situations. The author takes you on a ride of self discovery and adventure that will help you find extremely simple and practical solution to living life with full confidence.

Let's also look at things this way, you can't lack confidence in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of your life! If you're not confident in front of an audience, let's focus on your behind-the-scene skills. If you're not a good speaker, let's focus on your writing skills. Whatever you lack confidence in, drive your focus AWAY from the subject matter. And then refocus your attention on whatever that is that you're good at.

Mingle around Even if you're not a social butterfly (very few of us are actually BORN social butterflies), in an effort to build your own self-confidence level, you should consider attending more parties and mingling around with the crowd. If you're successful, congratulate yourself and give yourself a presence. If your self-confidence level shows, try again at the next party. Do NOT give up until you've successfully mingles around with at least 5 strangers at one party.

Paying attention to your health and looks I know it sounds corny. The desperate housewife seeks attention from others because she lacks self-confidence...blah blah blah. But it's not all hogwash. It's true. The more attention you pay to the way you look, the more confident you become. You don't have to be a supermodel to look good. The way you dress, coordination of outfits, hair, makeup, accessories, your body language...they say a lot about you...about your self confidence level.

Go ahead and try to be as gorgeous as you want.

Exercise They say it all the time and I am beginning to sound like a broken record. Go exercise and you'll feel a boost of energy that you won't believe you are capable of. Trust me, I am talking from experience. People tell me to go join a gym and I will feel better and I say, "Go get a life! I don't need a gym to feel alive!"

But you know what? It's true. After all of that, I have to eat my words. Joining a gym changed my life - it changed me from inside out. I feel livelier, I have energy, I walk faster, talk louder, speak with more confidence. And it all adds up, like a layered cake.

Conclusion I know it sounds either impossible or not necessary...but trust me, it will do you a world of good. When you're more confident, you're capable of achieving much more than you can imagine. Why give a half-hearted effort at living? Give it your all, right

About the Author:
Marsha Maung is a freelance graphic designer and copy writer who works from home. She designs apparel and premium items at and is the author of "Raising little magicians", and the popular "The Lance in freelancing". More information can be found at

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Your Eyes Are The Window To Your Soul

By: Paul Housego
Many creatures on this earth go to great lengths to make their appearance attractive to the opposite sex. Examples of this behavior are Peacocks and the Australian Lyre bird. Humans are creatures, whether we like it or not and also follow this basic primal instinct. Making ourselves beautiful for others, and for our own self esteem, has been around since time began. If we didn’t try to make ourselves more appealing to the opposite sex, the human race’s population would be in decline or extinct. Clothing manufacturers use beautiful women (models) to show both sexes how beautiful their partners or their selves can be if they use their products. Cosmetic contact lenses can help in making yourself attract the opposite sex, or get that extra attention you desire. Cosmetic contact lenses have been used by many film stars and in the music industry

• Marilyn Manson uses a different type of lens for each eye in his music video “Tainted Love”. And what are these contact lenses called? White and Black Manson cosmetic contact lenses of course. Consumers of all ages are also finding that these lenses can be very beneficial. So why do consumers purchase these lenses? They purchase them for self beautification or for attracting attention at dances or raves. There has been some negative press about cosmetic contact lenses in the last few years, but if good hygiene, and basic common sense are used, then consumers should not have any health problems when using these contact lenses.

Cosmetic contact lens health care See your optometrist before using Cosmetic Contact Lenses Purchase quality lenses Make sure the multi purpose cleaning solution is included or you purchase it before using Cosmetic Contact Lenses Do not share your lenses with friend or family Do not sleep with lenses in Check lenses for damage before use Change multi purpose cleaning solution often Do not use past expiry date

Contact lenses do not help improve eyesight. If you normally wear contact lenses to correct vision, then you should think carefully before using cosmetic contact lenses. You should see an optometrist before purchasing these lenses.

So I hope by now you see the beauty of these magnificent products. If you use them correctly, they will certainly add value to any situation you place yourself in. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so let your friends see your beauty. Or Your eyes are the mirror to your soul, so why don’t you enhance these windows.

Paul Housego Technical Adviser East Coast Contact Lenses

Article Source:

Think Straight Brain Power

By: Lambert Klein
Stress is part of our normal day; whether it is work-related; or resulting from having to accomplish too many things at once, we are all familiar with it. ThinkStraight was developed by Robert Rudelic in an effort to address “stress/anxiety, depression, emotional ups and downs, energy, and overall brain function which includes mental alertness, ability to focus and concentrate, memory, analytical and problem solving capabilities and problems getting quality sleep.”

What are the affects of ThinkStraight? The combination of nutrients and herbs used in ThinkStraight allow for a reduction of stress and increases energy. Moreover, it allows for a good night’s sleep which, without it, can be a factor in stress. Using this supplement can increase memory and mental awareness. The components found in this product include: vinpocetine; theanine; Rhodiola rosea and other herbs and nutrients which allow the user to be able to think more clearly.

Vinpocetine seems to be beneficial by increasing blood flow to the brain. Derived from the periwinkle plant, it improves memory. Rhodiola rosea improves ones mood and helps in alleviating depression. It also increases physical and mental performance and reduces fatigue. Theanine, which is found in tea and is an offshoot of the camellia sinensis plant, allows one to relax and has a direct link to serotonin and dopamine found in the brain.

In addition to taking this supplement, there is no doubt one has to follow a diet regimen which includes fruits and vegetables to obtain the highest amount of appropriate nutrients on a daily basis. So too, exercise combined with a proper diet, can alleviate most of the stress you may experience during the day. Regardless, ThinkStraight is another supplement which can be used in conjunction with diet and exercise to assist in obtaining a clearer train of thought, provide a restful and recuperative sleep, and allow you to think more clearly and feel constantly alert. If you are among the many people whose daily stress interferes with your ability to carry out daily tasks or work more efficiently; ThinkStraight can help. In addition, the component Gingko Biloba is another component used in ThinkStraight which, as we all know, helps to alleviate minor anxiety and depression. Along with these components, it also contains “Vitamin B6 for increased energy, Vitamins C and E for mood moderation, and T-3 Arginol Complex which is a proprietary blend of Velvet Antler, Siberian Ginseng and Tocotrienols all designed to work together synergistically and safely.” Rudelic recommends you to take ThinkStraight twice a day; one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. He also suggests that you can take ThinkStraight if you are about to undergo a stressful event. This supplement can relieve stress and create calm and focus which will allow you to get through an otherwise stressful day.

You can find out more information about ThinkStraight here.

Article Source:

Monday, 8 September 2008

Test Your Attitude Toward Success

by: Edward W. Smith

The amount of success you have in life is strongly related to the attitude you have towards success. So what is your attitude towards success? What does that mean for you? Take the 5-minute test below; you may be surprised at the results you get.

Select one of the three answers to the questions below, and then compute your score based on the instructions at the end of the test

(A) I have a clear idea of what success means to me.
(B) I have no idea what success means to me.
(C) I have somewhat of an idea what success means to me.

(A) I always seek advice and feedback.
(B) I never seek advice and feedback.
(C) Sometimes I seek advice and feedback.

(A) I never give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.
(B) Sometimes I give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future
(C) I always give up something I enjoy now, for something better in the future.

(A) When I have a setback or rejection, I give up and quit
(B) When I have a setback or rejection, I learn from it and try again.
(C) Sometime setbacks or rejection causes me to quit, other times I try again.

(A) I believe I will be successful.
(B) I believe I will never be successful.
(C) Maybe I will be successful, maybe I will not.

(A) I am always fully prepared for the things I do.
(B) I am never prepared for the things I do.
(C) Sometimes I am prepared and other times I am not.

(A) I would never take a risk, I only want sure things.
(B) I am somewhat open to taking risks.
(C) I am willing to take risks if the rewards seem worth it.

(A) What happens in my life is not my responsibility.
(B) What happens in my life is somewhat my responsibility.
(C) What happens in my life is totally my responsibility.

(A) Change always brings me new opportunities.
(B) Change never brings me new opportunities.
(C) Change sometimes brings me new opportunities.

(A) I go all out when I am working on something.
(B) I hold back somewhat when I am working on something.
(C) I never go all out when I am working on something.

Scoring: Give yourself the following points for the answer you chose on each question.
(1) A +1, B –1, C 0 (2) A +1,B –1,C 0 (3) A +1, B 0, C -1 (4) A -1, B +1,C 0 (5) A +1, B -1, C 0 (6) A +1, B -1,C 0 (7) A -1, B 0, C +1 (8)A -1,B 0,C +1(9) A +1,B -1, C 0 (10) A +1, B 0,C –1. Answers with a plus one, were the correct response if you are to be truly successful. Now add up you points. If you score was between 6 and 10 you are well on your way to success. If your score was between 5 and zero, you need to fine-tune your attitude towards success. If your score was below zero, you need to give some serious thought to how your attitude towards success is holding you back.

Here are some things to look at when you consider what attitude you should have towards success.

The most important thing you can do to have an attitude that will help you succeed, is to know what success means to you. Success means different things to different people and only you can define what you really want. Once you have determined what being successful means to you, it becomes easier to set goals and take actions that will move you toward your goal.

In order to maximize your chance of being successful, you will have to adopt an attitude of taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens to you in your life. This puts you in the position of taking control of your life and will force you to make decisions and take actions you might avoid if you think your fate lies in the hands of someone else such as the government, fate or your family. You should even take responsibility for problems you have that you are sure aren’t your fault. This avoids a “victim” mentality and boosts your self-esteem. A belief that your success is a result of fate, or some other forces, will stop you from setting goals, making plans or taking other steps that will put your life on a course of your choosing. Giving others the power to determine your success, limits your chance of being happy, and even robs you of any enjoyment of the success you might have, as you will believe you didn’t earn it.

One of the strongest predictors of success has been proven to be the ability to defer short-term satisfaction, for a larger reward later. Develop the ability to put off short-term satisfaction that interferes with your longer-term goals (you do have long term goals don’t you?). Ice cream today doesn’t jibe with your long-term weight loss. Keep your long term goals in mind and constantly ask yourself if the action you are about to take, will move you closer or further away from your long term goal.

Change is absolutely required for you to be successful. If you are not successful now, you and or events have to be different to create success. If nothing changes, nothing changes and success is something different, so change is required for it to appear. People, who feel that the only kind of change they like is the change in their pocket, are freezing themselves into obscurity. The world changes daily, and if you are not changing at least at the rate the world changes, you are falling behind. Thus the status quo becomes the status behind, as soon as a new day starts. Change is inevitable, you need to find a way to make it work for you, or it will work against you, even if you take no action at all.

Success requires enormous preparation and energy, it will not come easy, so if you are holding back for a sign you are going to be successful, before you commit, you will never make it. Remember, everything worthwhile is hard at first, but you have to do it in order to make it and still there is no guarantee of success. The only guarantee is that if you don’t do it, you are guaranteed not to make it.

You must look into the future and see yourself being successful, if in fact you are going to be successful. This vision is required to serve as a guide to show you the path to follow and help you stay on course. Your belief in this area is self-fulfilling. If you see yourself failing, you will fail, if you see yourself succeeding, you will succeed. Your belief sets the course and you can choose which course it is. Use affirmations and visualizations to help you establish this positive vision of your success.

Rejection is part of the process of becoming successful. Very few people have an idea or talent everyone wants. Your job is to work through the rejections and find those people that are looking for your idea. Focus on the wins, not the losses. Scoreboards show wins not losses, as that is what the world cares about and you should be the same way. It has been said that success lies just beyond the spot you last fell, and that should be your guiding principle. Learn from your losses and “fail forward”, past the rejection into the success zone.

Ask for help and advice and be open to feedback as you pursue your success. Don’t reinvent the wheel each day. Remember every problem you have, someone else has had before, and they have put the answer in a book or on a website, or in the mind of someone near you. The answer to your problem is out there; all you have to do is ask for it.

Well have you changed you attitude towards success as result of this article? Perhaps now you will better understand that your thoughts control your actions and you actions control the outcomes you get in life. The thoughts you have are under your control, so in many ways the outcomes you get in life are as well. Remember you are never given an idea without also being given the ability to make it happen. Begin looking for the ideas you've been given and find those abilities you have that go with them. Do that and you'll be on your way to successes beyond your wildest dreams.

About The Author

Edward W. Smith is the author of Sixty Seconds To Success, he produces and hosts the Bright Moment cable TV and internet radio show, is president of the Bright Moment Seminars, is a motivational speaker, and publishes the free, daily, email of the One Minute Motivator (quick peak performance tip). His website is and his email is

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Change, Habit and Attitude

by: Tim Baird

Lets just suppose you were trying to cook a beautiful cake, and for whatever reason, the result was lessthan you hoped for, would you just go ahead and do exactly the same thing next time you tried to cook a cake?

Probably not! You would in all probability try and figure out what it was that gave you the poor result, and modify your recipe or cooking 'formula' to try and obtain a more satisfactory result next time around.

Seems logical doesn't it? If what we are currently doing isn't giving us the results that we want, we change, experiment, use a bit of trial and error, until we get the longed for results. An even better option is to look at what others have done successfully, and duplicate a recipe that is already proven to get the results we want.

Why then is it that when it comes to really important things like financial security for our families, the quality of our relationships, and the care of our health both mentally and physically, so many of us don't seem to apply this simple common sense approach?

We see it every day, a person stuck in a dead end situation, going nowhere fast, whining about haw bad things are, about how everybody else has inflicted this terrible situation upon them, but unwilling to say, 'if what I have been doing thus far has given me these undesirable results, why don't I try doing something else in order to achieve different results.'

We see people go from abusive relationship to abusive relationship, never stopping and asking themselves if maybe they did something differently, they might get a different type of relationship as a result.

We see people sick from abusing their bodies with poor diet, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, suffering from atrocious health degradation, but who don't stop and think long enough to realise that if they change what they do they can change to a significant extent the results that they get.


Now I imagine some of you saying it is not that simple, that some of these things are long standing and ingrained habits, and that people can't just change completely overnight.

I agree that these are habits, however what needs to be realised is that all of these habits started somewhere, people were not born with them, they are learned. In exactly the same way that old habits were learned, new positive habits can be learned to replace the old negative ones.

By using a persistent, step by step approach based on the same underlying behavioral mechanisms that led us to form the old habits in the first place, we can replace our habits with planned and deliberate habits which give us the changed results we wish for in our lives. In this way we have total control if we choose to exercise it.

The key stands in the 'choice gap', this is what makes us as humans unique amongst (known) species. We can receive a behavioral stimulus (Pavlov can ring his bell) and in the moment of stimulus we stand in the 'Choice Gap' where we can choose not to 'react'
instinctively but to make a considered deliberate response.

We can effectively re-condition ourselves, or in NLP speak anchor ourselves to have a different conditioned response (habit) to a particular stimuli. Every time we choose a response different from our negative habit, we weaken the neuro pathway supporting that habit, and strengthen the neuro pathway supporting the new response. When the neuro pathway supporting our new habit is bigger and stronger than the pathway supporting the old behavior, the new behavior become our habitual and instinctive one. Eventually the neuro pathways supporting behaviors that are no longer used (old habits) die out completely.

Is it difficult? Of course, nothing worthwhile ever came easy. Is it worthwhile, to reprogram yourself with deliberately chosen, positive and empowering habits? Absolutely!


Why is it that some people use this extraordinary ability to change their lives and others don't?

Firstly to use this power a person need to know it exists, if they don't understand the mechanisms of habit and behavioral change, they cannot make the choice to exercise this power to change.

Secondly, of those which know of this, which now includes you the reader, (there's no way out for you now) an individual must acknowledge the need for change. If a person is perfectly happy with their life as it is, then why should they change.

Finally, a person must believe that they can change, knowing that something is possible for people in general, and believing that something is possible for me are two completely different things.

Whilst the first of these requirements is purely knowledge based and we can't expect people to act based on what they don't know, The last two are really a matter of attitude.

In fact, taking that statement a step further with, the main difference between people who successfully go on to replace bad habits and ineffectual behaviors, and those who don't, is their attitude.

Why is Attitude the Key?

Attitude affects what we do...

because our attitude determines how we interpret what happens around us in the world, and consequently it has a large influence on how and what we think.

Our thinking in turn is the major influence on the choices we make, and what we do, which in turn determines the results we get.

For example, if our attitude is one of seeking constant personal growth and improvement, we will spend time thinking about how we can grow and improve, and consequently we will seek out and find ways, and probably at least attempt to implement them.

Attitude affects what we attract...

because we attract things people and things into our life which are consistent with our attitudes,

Ever heard the saying 'misery loves company', or 'birds of a feather flock together'? These are both expressions of people attracting into their lives what they are putting out into the world. If we put out an positive attitude of personal empowerment we will find positive personal empowerment coming into our lives from the most unexpected places.

How Do I Develop My Attitude?

Once we accept that our attitude is the key to making the changes we need to make, in order to live the life we want to live, the question arises, how and where do I start to develop my attitude?

The answer is deceptively simple, Attitude is caught rather than taught.

It is something you pick up from the people around you, your family, work colleagues and friends. It is also something that you get through what you read, what you watch and who you listen to.

To begin making the changes in attitude you need to make, you need to start consciously seeking out positive books, audio programs, AV programs and associations of people. You need to consciously put yourself in the position whereby you can catch the right attitudes by exposing yourself to them on a deliberately regular and systematic basis.

How does one find the right resources to expose oneself to?

There is an abundance of appropriate materials around both online and off, ranging in price from free to thousands of dollars, some of the classics that come to mind as a great place to start include The Magic of Thinking Big and Think and Grow Rich, but there are literally thousands of worthwhile sources of positive attitude resources from your local library, to one of the many online stores. It really is just a matter of having a look.

So the only real question left is, are you willing to change your attitudes in order to change those parts of your life that you are dissatisfied with, or will you continue to suffer on, disempowered to make any progress by your own choice to avoid change.

About The Author

Tim Baird

For FREE success education and positive attitude resources subscribe to Timba Free Stuff at

A Veteran of the Afghanistan Campaign and Anti Piracy Operations in South East Asia, Tim is now an online entrepreneur and is actively involved providing life education and positive mentoring to youth in his local community.

Copyright 2006 Tim Baird

Article may be reprinted upon the condition that author bio and link is reproduced without alteration, (this clause may be excluded.)

Saturday, 6 September 2008

3 Ways To Change Your Attitude

by: Derrick Sorles
I would guess thousands of books and millions of words have been written on the importance of a positive mental attitude. At the center of every book on "Success" the key ingredient or secret to making it all work is a positive mental attitude.

Many professional athletes have figured this out and hire psychologists to help them with their mental attitudes to up their competitive advantage. Here, its your Life By Design / advantage!

But what can you do when your just feeling blah and Nelly Negative just doesn't want to pack up and move along inside your head?

1.) MUSIC-Think about the song(s) or artist(s) that always has the power to move and shift your spirit for the better. If you are like me, certain music has much more power than others. I sort of look at it like pharmacology, and you are self medicating-define your state, and prescribe accordingly!

2.) GRATITUDE- Too often it is easy to find ourselves focusing on what we don't want and what we don't have. It's a surefire way to make you feel lousy and keep you busy, most of us have lots of things we don't want and would like to have! The key here is to immediately shift your thinking when you find yourself caught in this trap.

Sit down and take out some paper, your journal or at your computer keyboard and start making a list of all of the things you are most grateful for. Just free write everything as it comes to mind and commit to staying with it until you feel you've made the shift inside. Usually, an item will come to me and I literally just start to smile. If I focus on just the ones I love alone and how grateful I am to have them in my life, I can't help but to have a complete shift to a more positive mental attitude. Keep building the list as often as necessary.

Play a game with yourself over time and see how many entries you can accumulate! The last time I did this exercise the entry that made me smile the most was "I am so grateful for not having a hairy back!"

3.) EMPOWERING QUESTIONS-I love great questions that have the power to completely change your mental state and what you are focusing on! I even have a section here on the site dedicated to amazing questions. The previous exercise is really your response to the question "What are you most grateful for?" Try asking yourself "What am I proud about in my life right now?"

Again, it's great to write out your answers. As the responses come to you, really focus on what about "it" makes you most proud and how it makes you feel right now. Pay attention to the images in your thoughts and continue to focus on them. You'll be feeling like a million bucks in no time!

About The Author

Derrick Sorles run a leadership developement program in Chicago and is working on his first book, A Life By Design.

Positive Attitude I Important

by: Dechen Lau
If knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.

I am vacant to ask you to something very bizarre right now. First of all, I want you to eavesdrop to your view. Now tell me, what view stuff your move? Would you ticket them as positive, or harmful?

Now let's say you are walking down the lane with these view. Do you think everyone who would convene you would be able to tell you what�s on your care?

The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be beautiful generic. while people will not be able to tell you cevadely what you think, they will more or excluding have an idea of how you are hunch.

Before we go an further, lets take a moment to review what we have learned so far about this amazing subject.

Here's another issue. When you input a assistant stuffed with links, do they all reduce silent as if something terrible had occured? Or does everyone there promote up as if waiting for something exciting to occur?

You know what? The answer to all these depends on your framework of care.

opinion are very crushing. They fake your universal attitude. The attitude you transfer reflects on your appearance, too � unexcluding, of course, you are a great actor.

And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also fake people around you.

The manner of attitude you transfer depends on you. It can be each positive or harmful.

secure view have a stuffing achieve. They are admittedly invigorating. desirable, the people around the nature transfering positive view are typically animated by this manner of attitude.

damaging view on the other hand have a sapping achieve on other people. away from making you look murky and sad, harmful view can bear a jolly gathering into a funeral arouse.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a harmful attitude repels them. People cultivate to shy away from those who transfer a harmful attitude.

We can also demarcate attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you wish to focus on the harmful stuff in the world, more or excluding you have a harmful attitude brewing up. However, if you wish to focus on the positive stuff, you are more expected transfer a positive attitude.

You have greatly to reap from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have revealed that a positive attitude promotes better fitness. Those with this kind of attitude also have more links. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to manage stress and harms better than those who have a harmful attitude.

A positive attitude begins with a fitnessy nature-picture. If you will passion the way you are and are contented, secure, and nature-poised, you also make others are around feel the same way.

A harmful attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an reverse achieve. So, transfering a harmful attitude has a twin drawback. You feel bad about yournature, and you make others feel the same way.

If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to highlight fitnessy view. This is maybe very hard to do nowadays while, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but harmful view. A cram shows that for every 14 stuff a father says to his or her teen, only one is positive. This is very a saddening thought.

If you want a fitnessier outlook in life, you indigence to think fortunate view, and you have to examine positive stuff as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a strange picture, you could play with teenren, exhaust some time potent jokes with links. All these activities stuff you with positive stimuli, which in bear promotes positive attitude.

while it is impossible to keep ourselves from the harmful stuff around us, you can still transfer a positive attitude by focusing on the good stuff, the positive stuff in life.

And this positive attitude you now transfer can be of promote to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people typically do is try to give them counsel. But sometimes, all they indigence is someone to sit by them, and eavesdrop to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up lacking even having to say something.

If positive attitude is sincerely great, why do people wish to adopt a harmful attitude instead? One who carries a harmful attitude may be actually transport a indicate for thought. Before you get me incorrect, hunch sad, cross, or murky is not incorrect itnature. But lodging on these view for far too long is not fitnessy each. There is a time to bewail.

As forever, if you are inundated by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good stuff in life, you will forever have dream. troubles become something you can overcome.

You do not have greatly to evade by adopting a fitnessy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards aging, makes you fitnessier, helps you expound a better stress coping procedure, and has a very positive achieve on all the people you convene every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one nowadays.

About The Author

Dechen Lau is an Author, Speaker, and Consultant specializing in Internet Marketing and Web Solutions

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