Tuesday 9 September 2008

Think Straight Brain Power

By: Lambert Klein
Stress is part of our normal day; whether it is work-related; or resulting from having to accomplish too many things at once, we are all familiar with it. ThinkStraight was developed by Robert Rudelic in an effort to address “stress/anxiety, depression, emotional ups and downs, energy, and overall brain function which includes mental alertness, ability to focus and concentrate, memory, analytical and problem solving capabilities and problems getting quality sleep.”

What are the affects of ThinkStraight? The combination of nutrients and herbs used in ThinkStraight allow for a reduction of stress and increases energy. Moreover, it allows for a good night’s sleep which, without it, can be a factor in stress. Using this supplement can increase memory and mental awareness. The components found in this product include: vinpocetine; theanine; Rhodiola rosea and other herbs and nutrients which allow the user to be able to think more clearly.

Vinpocetine seems to be beneficial by increasing blood flow to the brain. Derived from the periwinkle plant, it improves memory. Rhodiola rosea improves ones mood and helps in alleviating depression. It also increases physical and mental performance and reduces fatigue. Theanine, which is found in tea and is an offshoot of the camellia sinensis plant, allows one to relax and has a direct link to serotonin and dopamine found in the brain.

In addition to taking this supplement, there is no doubt one has to follow a diet regimen which includes fruits and vegetables to obtain the highest amount of appropriate nutrients on a daily basis. So too, exercise combined with a proper diet, can alleviate most of the stress you may experience during the day. Regardless, ThinkStraight is another supplement which can be used in conjunction with diet and exercise to assist in obtaining a clearer train of thought, provide a restful and recuperative sleep, and allow you to think more clearly and feel constantly alert. If you are among the many people whose daily stress interferes with your ability to carry out daily tasks or work more efficiently; ThinkStraight can help. In addition, the component Gingko Biloba is another component used in ThinkStraight which, as we all know, helps to alleviate minor anxiety and depression. Along with these components, it also contains “Vitamin B6 for increased energy, Vitamins C and E for mood moderation, and T-3 Arginol Complex which is a proprietary blend of Velvet Antler, Siberian Ginseng and Tocotrienols all designed to work together synergistically and safely.” Rudelic recommends you to take ThinkStraight twice a day; one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. He also suggests that you can take ThinkStraight if you are about to undergo a stressful event. This supplement can relieve stress and create calm and focus which will allow you to get through an otherwise stressful day.

You can find out more information about ThinkStraight here. http://www.1thinkhealthy.com/thinkstraight.html

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com


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