Friday, 29 August 2008

How to Turn your Negative thoughts into Positive Opportunities and Personal Growth

By: Lynn Zingel
Thoughts are powerful things; whatever you put your focus on will grow. Imagine that your mind is a garden. You can fill your mind with beautiful flowers or let it become overgrown and out of control with weeds. What is it to be? We can't have two opposing thoughts at the same time! If you want a flourishing garden; out must come the weeds.

Positive thinking leads to a positive attitude. Maintaining a positive attitude is really a decision to be happy, it's your choice. Buddha summarized how to remain happy no matter how bad things may seem when he said, " Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us be thankful.

Positive thinking is not easy to achieve as we are geared from a young age to think the worst of most situations. Look at the daily news headlines, its all doom and gloom.

Positive thinking is something we can all profit from and we need to be reminded of this often. It might be reading a quote every morning or getting up each morning and saying,"Today I will think positively". Positive thinking is quite literally just that. Replace thinking about the things that could or have gone amiss, with the things that you have executed well or those things that have worked out as you anticipated or better. It will become an actual lifestyle that is the basis for everything that you do.

Positive thinking is like a pair of eyeglasses. Having the right pair can make all the difference. There is a technique called reframing. I guess it is taking that pair of glasses off and putting on another pair. Reframing would be choosing to interpret the situation in a positive way which you would previously be looked at in a negative way.

Reframing is an excellent way to break the negative attention cycle, and it helps prevent you from getting pulled into the negative downward spiral. Once it becomes a habit, the whole world and everyone in it are seen in terms of "what is right" rather than "what is wrong". It is a way of presenting old situations in another frame. It is seeing the glass half full; not half empty. This requires practice! That right its a practice! This type of thinking is incredibly powerful.

You don't want to live next to an abbatoir? It could be worse, it could be an ammunitions factory run by psyco"s. It's a paradigm shift. It's looking at life and events in life in a new context. It's like looking at a painting - you can choose where to focus your attention and from there base what you will feel. Its a powerful stratagem. It changes our perceptions about the situation, and will therefore effect our actions.

In fact research makes it clear that positive thinking and attitude is more important than any other factor when it comes to ensuring success. Negative emotions may suppress the immune system for up to 6 hours following the negative emotional experience. Positive thinking should be the mechanism we use to support good outcome in our lives. It will maximize positive emotions and therefore productiveness and therefore a better quality of life.

Lynn Zingel is the author and editor of Here you will find words of encouragement, inspiration, and challenge to change whatever you focus your mind upon.

How to Improve Communication Skills and Your Personal Style

By: Peter Murphy
Here are six tips for improving your communication style:

1. Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style.

Each person has a unique way of communicating. Listen to your own speech. What sorts of words do you use? Which sort of body language and what tone of voice are you using?

Now, think of someone who, in your opinion, is a good communicator. Compare your style to theirs. You’ve just taken an important first step in how to improve communication skills.

2. Now that you are aware of your own style, study the style of those around you. How do the most important people in your life converse? How do they say things? Look for approaches you can model and make your own.

3. Adjust to the other styles of communication. Don’t think it is too late to change your way of conversing because it’s been years. You had to learn to communicate in the first place and you can unlearn certain behaviors or change them. Sometimes we get stuck in a communication rut.

A father once was having a hard time with his teenaged daughter. She was growing and he thought she didn’t tell him what was going on in her life. They were in a heated discussion when he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Her answer was that she had, but he was too busy lecturing her to hear her. He learned that adjusting his style to his daughter would involve listening first before jumping right into solving the problem.

4. To build rapport, during a conversation try and match the other person’s movements, posture and verbal style. Don’t do everything they do, but mirror one or two things. For example, if the person gives mostly short answers to questions, you follow suit.

Or, maybe they talk at a slower pace than you usually do-slow your speaking speed to match theirs. This may sound simplistic but it is a very potent way to make someone feel very relaxed and comfortable in your presence.

5. The way you communicate at home may not be the same as in a different environment. Make sure you change your style to suit the different setting. Some comments you might want to tell your best friend, in private.

Other things can be shared in a group setting. Learn how to improve communication skills by altering your style for the appropriate setting. Many of us know someone who offers far too much information in a group setting.

6. Don’t criticize others for communicating differently. If we all communicated in the same way, we’d soon be bored with each other.

Getting a good grasp of your communication style and finding ways to accommodate other peoples’ styles, is a good way to improve your communication skills.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. This report reveals the secret strategies all high achievers use to communicate with charm and impact. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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Thursday, 28 August 2008

How to Develop Positive Self-Image

By: Riggie Freyer
If you want to create the results in life you really want for yourself and your family, it's important for you to develop a positive self-image... And if you feel your already have a strong self-image, go ahead and create a formidable one.

Remember, your self-image is like a mental blueprint. It's simply a picture of what you think you are, not who you really are.

Everything you do and all your feelings are consistent with your self-image. Which means you literally act the role of who you think you are.

The reason working on your self-image is so important is that no amount of willpower, determination or commitment will help you change your behavior in the long term. Only in the short term. Sooner or later your self-image will return to its "old self" if you attempted to make lasting changes in your life - by using your willpower, for example. You must therefore change your self-image in order to change your results.

Your self-image comes from the environment your were in, and your early experiences in your childhood. Many of these experiences have caused us to see ourselves as stupid, fat, confident, lazy, and so on. Today, these past experiences are totally irrelevant to us, but we don't question their validity and regard them as being the truth.

I don't know about you, but it doesn't make sense to me to have a low self-image simply because we're keeping thoughts and attitudes which were formed years ago. It makes sense to make a conscious decision today to change the way you think and picture yourself, or you'll continue to experience a low self-image.

How you can Develop a Positive Self-Image in a few Quick, Easy Steps

1. Accept yourself. Look in the mirror and learn to love yourself. Only once your love yourself can you love others. If you have physical features about yourself you don't like, learn to accept and like them. If you're overweight though, you can change that!). It's much like.... only when you have money in the bank, you can give some of your money to other people.

2. It's a fact that you are spiritually whole and perfect, and in perfect harmony with the universe. So learn to separate who you are from... what you have and what you do. What you have and what you do are temporary, and you don't want to identify yourself with what happened in the temporary stage of your life. For example, if you failed in your business this month, you're not a failure forever, so don't attach you self-image to what you've done. Simply watch all your mistakes and faults during this time without any judgment. Identify yourself with your higher-self which is changeless, perfect and complete. Won't it be easier now to dust yourself off and believe you can make big things happen, when you know you're in essence a perfect spiritual being?

3. Meditate for 10 minutes a day. See yourself vividly as a happy, lovable, confident and unstoppable person. Make your own one minute movie where you see yourself being effective and successful in all areas of your life. Vividly play a ten second clip of yourself being in a wonderful relationship, for example, and another clip of yourself achieving the goals you set in your job or business, and so on. Create any movie which makes you look and feel great. Keep practicing it daily, and concentrate on loving yourself - creating an unstoppable confident self-image.

4. Only invest time with friends who compliment you and support. Be aware of people who criticize your and pull you down. Do all you can to avoid them.

Remember, you're in control of your life. And your inner world does create your outer world. The more you concentrate on feeling good inside and building your own self-image, the easier it will be for you to love other people and succeed massively in your life.

Have fun... and it doesn't matter how you develop your positive self-image, what matters is that you're aware of your own image and that you invest a few minutes each day on improving it!

Get Fast Results in you Life with numerous Cutting-Edge Articles on Self Development. Read about Amazing Results you'll get by Creating Inner & Personal Wealth, Unstoppable Self-Confidence, Mastering your Time and Increasing your Energy at

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A Balanced Body for a Balanced Mind

By: Steven Godlewski
The mind is a very powerful thing. However, most of us never tap into the total power that our minds have. Our minds even have control over our bodies. If we think that something is wrong with our bodies, our minds are strong enough to make that actually happen. It works the opposite way as well. We can use our minds to will illnesses and pain away, if we have developed our mind to that strength.

As strong as the mind is, however, our bodies can also affect the strength of our minds. For instance, when illness starts wearing our bodies down, our bodies start wearing our brains down as well. Our attitude and outlook on life is altered, simply because we are ill.

We have the ability to make ourselves sick, just as we have the ability to make ourselves well - all with the power of our mind. Our bodies have the ability to give us a positive outlook, or a negative outlook, simply based on how our bodies feel. The mind and the body work together. When one is ‘up' the other is ‘up,' and when one is ‘down' the other is also ‘down.'

Have you ever had a headache that kept you from concentrating on your work? That is a perfect example of the body ruling the mind. Have you ever had the blues and found that you have no energy? That is an example of the mind ruling the body. The mind and the body often fight for control, but they both work best when they are balanced.

The key is to balance the body, so that the mind will be balanced as well. The first step to balancing the body is to get rid of all of the toxins. The world we live in is toxic. No matter how clean you are, no matter how clean your home is, or how health conscious you are - you have toxins in your body, and those toxins need to be flushed out on a regular basis.

Getting rid of toxins lays the foundation to develop a balanced body and mind. You also need to cleanse your colon, and restore your pH levels to normal. This also aids in getting rid of toxins, as well as rotting fecal matter that resides in the colon. If you are overweight, you need to start reducing that weight immediately. Being overweight keeps the mind and body out of balance.

Look for a formula that takes care of all aspects of mind and body balance and includes vitamins, macro minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and enzymes.

A product in liquid form promotes elimination, improves absorption, and enhances assimilation to cleanse the colon and restore pH levels. Look for something that detoxifies, promotes healing, and nourishes the body, while fortifying the body with the nutrients that are needed to fight disease and illness. It also needs to fight the ill effects of stress, improves vitality, aids in digestion, reduces cravings, improves the glandular system, promotes energy and stamina, slows the aging process, and improves the memory.

An excellent source of antioxidants contains free radical scavengers that reduce the risk of strokes, heart disease, and cancers. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis, sports injuries, and inflammatory diseases.

Overall, Body Balancing gives you a sense of well-being because it does indeed balance the body. That sense of well-being is a sign of a well balanced mind!

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is currently working with the staff at He has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more health-related articles or a FREE bottle of Liquid Vitamins see their website at:

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Build Confidence

By: Michael Teo
Confidence is the feeling that you are sure you can complete a complex or even dangerous task. Feeling confident means you are sure of your skills and ability to succeed in a given task. It is an internal determination of how sure you are of your skills. Lack of confidence means you are not sure that you can complete an activity successfully. Your confidence of being able to do something is based on your track record of succeeding in various similar tasks. The feeling of self-confidence is learned and can be passed from one task to another task.

People with low confidence level are people who are stressed out. They are so harsh and strict on themselves that they tend to bring their own self-confidence down without anyone else helping them to. So, the first thing you will need to do is to relax and de-stress in the evening after work or 3 times a week. Yoga is generally good; you can try that if you want. Self-hypnosis is fabulous too. But if you do not have a budget for all those fancy classes, switch on some relaxing music and just sit there, with your legs cross, concentrate of breathing. Focus on every single breath you take and feel the anger and the confusion disperse with every single breath you exhale.

One reason people are not confident after successfully completing a task or achieving a difficult goal is because they often do not acknowledge their achievement and may even demean what they have done. Another reason some people are not confident is they look at a task or a goal as a large entity. Success or failure is determined by the outcome that may come after days or months of toiling. Some people wontedly take on tasks that are way over their head, such that they are assured of failure. They do this to re-enforce their apparent lack of self-confidence.

The way to build confidence is to: Break tasks into smaller units; acknowledge your success for each step, and learn from your mistakes to re-enforce your confidence.

Break task into smaller steps: Before you set out to perform a task or try to achieve a goal, you must realize that the activity is in fact a series of smaller steps. This is a basic concept in any type of task planning. Thus, instead of waiting until the end to examine if you are successful, you have a series of successes, leading up to the finish.

Acknowledge success for each step: For each one of these steps, you must acknowledge your success. Congratulate yourself each time whenever you succeed. If you do not do well, correct your error. Take care about warning yourself, except in extreme cases.

Re-enforce overall confidence: This self-talk will re-enforce your acknowledgment of your abilities and increase your confidence as you go along on achieving the goal.

You can build your confidence by acknowledging your successes for each step along the way to achieve a goal. The self-congratulations will build and re-enforce your confidence along the way feeling like a champion.

Michael Teo is an expert on the Human Psychology and Behavior.

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Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Moving back up to a positive attitude

By: Mike Cosentino
The nature of the human mind is that it can change its attitude in a fraction of a second. The smallest thing can set off a wave of euphoria or one of depression. Studies show that on average human beings go through as many as 200 mood changes per day. However, if these changes in mood or attitude can happen to you, you may also have the possibility of controlling them through a brain fitness plan.

Naturally, to make things go well for you and to achieve the objectives that you may have set yourself, you are looking for ways in which to recover a positive mindset. The best solutions for this are those that are quick, easy and effective to apply. If this sounds too good to be true, wait until you read the following.

The any time, any place solution

There is a mechanism in the human body, which allows you to physically generate a positive mindset. As extraordinary as this may sound, the action that you need to take is remarkably simple. It’s called smiling. Scientists have known for some time that when you smile, you move muscles in your face, which send signals to your brain to tell it to be happy. When your brain gets happier, it tells your face to smile more. So the whole process is self-reinforcing. This is why, in any situation of gloom and doom, as long as you can crinkle your mouth into anything resembling a smile or a grin, you can start to move upwards and outwards to a positive attitude.

To accompany your facial exercises, you can also practice recalling positive images and memories with are pleasurable for you. These can be anything you like as long as they get you to smile. Images in your mind of games you played when you were younger, family vacations with your kids, a happy customer who sent a letter of thanks, all these emotional freedom techniques can do the job.

The next time you’ll be ready

Sometimes you may be wrestling with a negative experience that resists your attempts to conjure up positive images and memories in your head. This may be a project that went wrong, or perhaps a significant decision that you regretted afterwards. Here’s another way of converting a negative feeling into a more positive one. Instead of lingering on the idea of wishing you had done things differently, replace it with the resolution that the next time such a situation arises, you will really do the other thing.

Once you have started to get back into your positive mindset, then keep on reinforcing the positive affirmations in your mind. Use them in conjunction with positive actions. This is like the smile mechanism that we described above. The more you repeat positive actions, the more you have a positive behavior, then the more this will generate a positive mindset for you. Just like your smile, these things are also self-reinforcing.

Mike Cosentino is a professional development expert, entrepreneur, and a top sales trainer read more of his topics or subscribe to his free newsletter at

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Attitude is Everything

By: Paul J Meyer
s Your Life A Runaway Train?
Does it seem like something or someone else is in charge of your life? If you think so, you might be right!
Early in my insurance career I recruited some incredibly gifted and talented people, but as I used to say, "He looks good in uniform, but he can't bat."
The problem with so many people today is that they have either been programmed with or have developed a negative mental attitude. In fact, what you have become and where you are in your present life can all be traced back to a first cause: the choices you made as a result of your dominating thoughts and attitude.
So if your life feels like a runaway train, there is a very good reason. The thoughts that have gone on inside your mind have finally materialized on the outside, forming the particulars of the life you are now experiencing.
Simply put, if you have a negative mental attitude you cannot produce a satisfying life!
Most people are busy trying to either change their circumstances or other people to make their life more comfortable and rewarding. But the problem is within. You may attain a college degree; surround yourself with influential friends; or enjoy a famous family name. But if your mind is filled with negative thoughts and a flawed attitude those attainments or advantages will not produce the success and happiness you seek.
It might help to think of your mind as the software in a computer. If your software or mind is full of doubt, fear, and "can't do," then no matter how hard you try, you're only going to produce a product or a life that replicates those negative beliefs.
In other words, if I closely observe your life, I have an incredibly accurate picture of what you have been thinking!
I'm sure we've all heard stories about people who grew up in less than desirable situations; some may even have been abused or abandoned. And yet they found a way to overcome, to put themselves in the record book in many instances. What did they do? They put themselves through a complete attitude overhaul! They changed the data in their software, developed an I-will-not-be-denied-attitude and, as a result, they produced a different life.
When I was a young man I grew up around the fruit orchards of what is now called the Silicon Valley in California. Though I picked fruit, I purposed in my heart I would not do that forever. My attitude pulled me toward another type of life. I simply refused to be dispirited, discouraged, or destroyed.
As a result, over time, the outside part of my life lined up with the inside!
It's up to you to take the steps to change your thoughts, your attitude. You don't have to be controlled by the words that may have been spoken over you as a child, or by the words you continue to speak over yourself.
You can start today by listening to the thoughts that swirl in your mind and eventually come out of your mouth. When you speak out doubt, fear, and negativity, you reap a life that reflects just that. What you think about becomes the words you speak, and the words you speak become the actions you take, and the actions you take determine your life!
So as you can see, having the right attitude isn't just important...

Paul J. Meyer, best-selling New York Times author, multi-millionaire, and founder of the Success Motivation Institute, has utilized the power of attitude. His powerful book, Attitude Is Everything, is available at or

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Reasons To Build Your Self Esteem

A lot of people are hard on themselves. It is always good to hear people say that they do not compete with other people because they only have to outdo their selves. This is a good attitude because when you focus on yourself, you develop at your own pace and you don not see yourself at a loser.

There are times though when this becomes negative because a person becomes too criticizing of himself or herself. There is no worst critic than yourself because once you believe in the negative self worth you put in your mind, you could easily crumble with whatever negative the world will throw at you. A low self esteem is one of the greatest enemies of a person because losing it is like losing oneself.

Before it is too late, let us focus on building self esteem. It is important always be optimistic. Most people you meet are cynical these days but there is no reason for you to join the crowd. Being optimistic means capitalizing on the good and positive. No matter how bad the situation or how things maybe so difficult for you, there are always good and positive things to turn to.

You do not have to lose touch of reality to be optimistic. You just have to learn how to deal with a sad situation with a happy disposition or a really bad scenario with a hopeful disposition. It should also not stop within yourself because you have to practice optimism to other people and ideally wherever you find yourself at.

Helping other people is also another way to build self esteem. You do not have to be rich to help other people so do not wait until you are a millionaire before you start being charitable. There are other things you can share with other people to help uplift their lives.

If you have a special talent like teaching then do volunteer work at your community school for the under privileged or be part of your church choir. Besides we all know how blessed are those people who give more that what they have. Sincerely helping other people will make you feel good of yourself after all you do not give away kindness because kindness always comes back to you and usually at a time you need it the most.

Do not be so hard on yourself. It is okay to dream big dreams. We are always told to reach for the top but set realistic expectations and goals for your self so that if you fail or if you lag behind your timetable you do not immediately feel so bad instead you look at ways on how to get back on track.

Try and try until you succeed should be your mantra and believe that you can do it. There may be people to help you but it is really up to you. The fact that you dreamed it, you are capable of achieving it because that dream cam from the inner whispers of your soul and you cannot deny yourself that.

Having self esteem is like having a self that is ready for whatever is ahead whether it is good or bad. Always in the end, you will be a success because you've got the best version of you.

To learn about depression signs and pregnancy depression, visit the Depression Facts Online site

Have A Good Mental Attitude

Success is in the blood. There are men whom fate can never keep down they march forward in a jaunty manner, and take by divine right the best of everything that the earth affords. But their success is not attained by means of the Samuel Smiles-Connecticut policy. They do not lie in wait, nor scheme, nor fawn, nor seek to adapt their sails to catch the breeze of popular favor. Still, they are ever alert and alive to any good that may come their way, and when it comes they simply appropriate it, and tarrying not, move steadily on.

Good health! Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every hand-clasp.

Do not fear being misunderstood; and never waste a moment thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your own mind what you would like to do, and then without violence of direction you will move straight to the goal.

Fear is the rock on which we split, and hate the shoal on which many a barque is stranded. When we become fearful, the judgment is as unreliable as the compass of a ship whose hold is full of iron ore; when we hate, we have unshipped the rudder; and if ever we stop to meditate on what the gossips say, we have allowed a hawser to foul the screw.

Keep your mind on the great and splendid thing you would like to do; and then, as the days go gliding by, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the elements that it needs. Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought that you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual you so admire.

Thought is supreme, and to think is often better than to do.

Preserve a right mental attitude the attitude of courage, frankness and good cheer.

Darwin and Spencer have told us that this is the method of Creation. Each animal has evolved the parts it needed and desired. The horse is fleet because he wishes to be; the bird flies because it desires to; the duck has a web foot because it wants to swim. All things come through desire and every sincere prayer is answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed.

Many people know this, but they do not know it thoroughly enough so that it shapes their lives. We want friends, so we scheme and chase 'cross lots after strong people, and lie in wait for good folks or alleged good folks hoping to be able to attach ourselves to them. The only way to secure friends is to be one. And before you are fit for friendship you must be able to do without it. That is to say, you must have sufficient self-reliance to take care of yourself, and then out of the surplus of your energy you can do for others.

The individual who craves friendship, and yet desires a self-centered spirit more, will never lack for friends.

If you would have friends, cultivate solitude instead of society. Drink in the ozone; bathe in the sunshine; and out in the silent night, under the stars, say to yourself again and yet again, "I am a part of all my eyes behold!" And the feeling then will come to you that you are no mere interloper between earth and heaven; but you are a necessary part of the whole. No harm can come to you that does not come to all, and if you shall go down it can only be amid a wreck of worlds.

Like old Job, that which we fear will surely come upon us. By a wrong mental attitude we have set in motion a train of events that ends in disaster. People who die in middle life from disease, almost without exception, are those who have been preparing for death. The acute tragic condition is simply the result of a chronic state of mind a culmination of a series of events.

Character is the result of two things, mental attitude, and the way we spend our time. It is what we think and what we do that make us what we are.

By laying hold on the forces of the universe, you are strong with them. And when you realize this, all else is easy, for in your arteries will course red corpuscles, and in your heart the determined resolution is born to do and to be. Carry your chin in and the crown of your head high. We are gods in the chrysalis.

Want to find out about how to deal with depression and what causes depression? Get tips from Depression Facts Online.

Success & A Positive Mental Attitude

By: Bryan Tuck
When building a home based business or otherwise, a positive mental attitude is essential in the success of your business. Positive in the fact that you now have your destiny, so to speak, in your hands. The amount of money you receive is completely up to you, your actions, your attitude and your state of mind. This can become overwhelming at times and can cause a break in confidence if things are not going according to plan.

How does one keep a positive mental attitude when working a running a home based business?

Optimists are better able to handle the daily stresses that comes with running a business. They have an ability to handle the stress rather then allowing the stress to handle them. They will achieve more and are able to do it more effectively. Which in turn multiplies their results.

There is a great saying..."Whether you think you can or you think you can''re right". And your thought patterns will attract like people. If you are a positive person you will attract positive people.

Positive people are easy to spot. They are outgoing, vibrant, full of energy and willing to give of themselves freely without expecting anything in return.

Negative people are, well...just the opposite. Picture a cloud hanging over a persons head.

For those recently involved with a direct selling company or a home based business opportunity you will want to make sure that you learn to build a business with a positive mental attitude and take decisive action. These two fundamental principals are what will drive your business through to success.

Keep affirming to yourself daily how deserving you are to be successful, how you will be the best at what everything you set your mind to and that you will only attract like-minded people and achieve the results that you have planned for. As a leader you take action to build your business on a daily basis.

What motivates you? Question yourself about why you are doing what you are doing and why you want your business to succeed. Put together your top 10 list of reason why and post it in a visible location so you see it in the morning and before you go to bead at night and read them out loud.

Reading these affirmations every day, twice a day, will affirm in you your reasons for becoming an entrepreneur and provide you with the motivation to continue on even through tough times.

Maintaining a proper mental attitude is essential to building a successful business whether an online home based business or brick and mortar. Positive thinking and a positive attitude will attract like-minded people and propel you and your business to greater heights.

Copyright (c) 2008 Bryan Tuck

Bryan Tuck is an internet entrepreneur with 15 years experience building a successful business from the comfort of his own home. Bryan Tuck 866-274-5973

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