Wednesday 27 August 2008

Moving back up to a positive attitude

By: Mike Cosentino
The nature of the human mind is that it can change its attitude in a fraction of a second. The smallest thing can set off a wave of euphoria or one of depression. Studies show that on average human beings go through as many as 200 mood changes per day. However, if these changes in mood or attitude can happen to you, you may also have the possibility of controlling them through a brain fitness plan.

Naturally, to make things go well for you and to achieve the objectives that you may have set yourself, you are looking for ways in which to recover a positive mindset. The best solutions for this are those that are quick, easy and effective to apply. If this sounds too good to be true, wait until you read the following.

The any time, any place solution

There is a mechanism in the human body, which allows you to physically generate a positive mindset. As extraordinary as this may sound, the action that you need to take is remarkably simple. It’s called smiling. Scientists have known for some time that when you smile, you move muscles in your face, which send signals to your brain to tell it to be happy. When your brain gets happier, it tells your face to smile more. So the whole process is self-reinforcing. This is why, in any situation of gloom and doom, as long as you can crinkle your mouth into anything resembling a smile or a grin, you can start to move upwards and outwards to a positive attitude.

To accompany your facial exercises, you can also practice recalling positive images and memories with are pleasurable for you. These can be anything you like as long as they get you to smile. Images in your mind of games you played when you were younger, family vacations with your kids, a happy customer who sent a letter of thanks, all these emotional freedom techniques can do the job.

The next time you’ll be ready

Sometimes you may be wrestling with a negative experience that resists your attempts to conjure up positive images and memories in your head. This may be a project that went wrong, or perhaps a significant decision that you regretted afterwards. Here’s another way of converting a negative feeling into a more positive one. Instead of lingering on the idea of wishing you had done things differently, replace it with the resolution that the next time such a situation arises, you will really do the other thing.

Once you have started to get back into your positive mindset, then keep on reinforcing the positive affirmations in your mind. Use them in conjunction with positive actions. This is like the smile mechanism that we described above. The more you repeat positive actions, the more you have a positive behavior, then the more this will generate a positive mindset for you. Just like your smile, these things are also self-reinforcing.

Mike Cosentino is a professional development expert, entrepreneur, and a top sales trainer read more of his topics or subscribe to his free newsletter at

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